Elevate Your Confidence in 45 Seconds ⏱

Try These Quick Tips Today!

Hi girlfriend, how's your day going? Can we talk about it? I was at the New Balance TRACK, where we're planning a HUGE Women's Leadership Forum event next week (let me know if you can help volunteer), and right as we were about to leave, I had to take a quick video (which I can’t figure out how to post here so I’m just gonna share a pic).

I'm busting my butt on this project, and I'll only get to be in this amazing space a couple more times all by myself, so live it up, right? I asked my girlfriend Courtney to shoot me running on the track. I made sure to take 2 min to make me happy. Don't forget to do you, boo! 

It's now 8 pm, and I'm BEAT. But I promised you and myself that I would email you every Tuesday, and apparently, that's today. Here it is, girlfriend! I need to do my Duolingo and get my beauty sleep, so we're going with some QUICK tips!

Feeling down and out like the day got the best of you? Never fear! Today with Tamara is here to share some quick and practical steps to boost your confidence in no time! 🙌

  1. Strike a Power Pose: Stand tall, shoulders back, and head held high. Holding this pose for a few seconds can instantly boost your confidence and empower you.

  2. Affirmations on the Go: Repeat positive affirmations to yourself throughout the day. Affirmations like "I can totally do this," "I worked so hard to get here, I'm not stopping now," and "I am (insert your name), I can do anything!" can help rewire your mindset.

  3. Visualization Techniques: Take a moment to visualize yourself succeeding in a challenging situation. Picture yourself confidently delivering a presentation, acing an interview, or achieving your goals. 

  4. Dress for Success: Wear an outfit that makes you feel confident and assertive. Dressing the part can instantly elevate your mood and boost your self-esteem, helping you tackle any challenge. (DM me for your TWT merch!)

  5. Practice Power Language: Use assertive language when communicating with others. Replace hesitant phrases like "I think" with confident statements like "I know" to convey authority and self-assurance.

  6. Focus on Your Strengths: Take inventory of your strengths and accomplishments. Remind yourself of past successes and talents to build confidence and self-belief.

  7. Take Action: The best way to build confidence is to take action. Step out of your comfort zone and tackle a task or challenge that intimidates you. Each small success will reinforce your confidence and take you one more step toward your hopes, dreams, and goals! 

Which one are you going to try? If you start implementing these quick techniques into your daily routine, I PROMISE YOU WILL FEEL MORE CONFIDENT (or your money back!)

Love you. Gotta go. Bye! ✌🏻



P.S. If I haven't already asked you to check out my new site, I will ask you now! Please go to todaywithtamara.com and let me know what you think! I have some new things coming soon (hint hint, rhymes with hoodie - okay, it's a hoodie, you guessed it!). Love you!!!! xoxoxo